PROJECT MANAGER - Social Media PROCESS AT Thunder Studios

For a quick look at the end product, please read ahead, but for some under-the-hood SEO and social media insight, please check out my blog.

 In early 2016 our team developed a workflow to create a coherent, on-brand message for social media posts. Beginning with Wordpress, we start with a blog post in our website "news" section, we then sculpt that message into a format appropriate to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We developed best practices from deciding on a style manual, SEO research and copywriting, through creative approvals, stakeholder consultation, media formatting & file naming conventions, and final execution. We developed a system which continues to output a trail of highly polished content featuring our facility, it's offerings, and the household names Thunder continues to call clients. While the system we developed continues to serve Thunder well, below are posts from 2016 and 2017 which I personally made as Community Manager.