Primordially rough mockup showing elements of the debate show portion of the Triage Project

Primordially rough mockup showing elements of the debate show portion of the Triage Project

Triage Project

Lies cost lives. Triage is multi-platform, multi-decade project to promote a public discourse environment that is utterly hostile to inaccurate information, disingenuous argumentation, corruption, and other universal cultural toxins. Including but not limited to: 

1. Permanent records and truthiness credit scores for all public figures

2. An end to word-swapping: Creation of a universal “hexadefinal” system cataloguing not all words, but instead all unique definitions, and then after-the-fact find all words which have a “mortal lock” precise match in usage to word, and assign each variant of words a specific 6-digit code like “aT6Q82”, like hexidecimal colors, so that a given word in speech or text will be assigned a precise version, so whereas “Liberal14” might map to “44zU23” meaning “enlightenment tradition style of government” and “Liberal^2” would map to “9xI2Mw" which is the definition “apply in great amount or abundance”.

3. Like the squares on the Periodic Table of Elements or NPFA placards, instant-read simple symbol browser overlays for all social media platforms that grade links and articles by consistency of substance to headline, credit score of source author and institution, strength of data by multiple metrics, and the ability to filter news by their scores in those metrics.

4. “Hard Mode” debate show, a 22 minute show filmed over a week, giving participants hours to form responses, and judges time to fact check in between each reply. 

5. Crowdsourced and "Mechanical Turk'd" resources that feed into live-time fact checking, the Triage Wiki, the Definition Hexcode, and higher level fact checking on squishier areas of correctness. 

6. Ongoing application of solutions found and applied by humans into AI that eliminates any repetitive tasks for all of the above. 

7. Encouraging the creation of multiple versions of this project, owned and operated by completely unconnected entities, to create accountability and 'watch the watchmen' AKA 'fact check the fact-checkers"

A video summary of the project: